Saturday 29 March 2025

All Rainfall thresholds, sorted by Continent

ContinentNationZoneThreshold typeLandslide codeEquationRangeNotesReferenceImage
AfricaSouth AfricaNatal Group, Durban Area, KwaZulu-NatalEAE(2h) > 100-150 mmn.a.n.a.Bell FG, Maud RR (2000) Landslides associated with the colluvial soils overlying the Natal Group in the greater Durban region of Natal, South Africa. Environ Geol 39(9): 1029–1038Graphic
AfricaSouth AfricaNatal Group, Durban Area, KwaZulu-NatalA(d)AA(15d) > 450 mmn.a.n.a.Bell FG, Maud RR (2000) Landslides associated with the colluvial soils overlying the Natal Group in the greater Durban region of Natal, South Africa. Environ Geol 39(9): 1029–1038Graphic
AfricaSouth AfricaNatal Group, Durban Area, KwaZulu-NatalEMAPA0.16 < EMAP < 0.20n.a.Moderate events (3 to 6 landslides)Bell FG, Maud RR (2000) Landslides associated with the colluvial soils overlying the Natal Group in the greater Durban region of Natal, South Africa. Environ Geol 39(9): 1029–1038Graphic
AfricaSouth AfricaNatal Group, Durban Area, KwaZulu-NatalEMAPAEMAP > 0.20n.a.Severe events (> 10 landslides)Bell FG, Maud RR (2000) Landslides associated with the colluvial soils overlying the Natal Group in the greater Durban region of Natal, South Africa. Environ Geol 39(9): 1029–1038Graphic
AfricaSouth AfricaNatal Group, Durban Area, KwaZulu-NatalEMAPAEMAP < 0.12n.a.Landslides do not occurBell FG, Maud RR (2000) Landslides associated with the colluvial soils overlying the Natal Group in the greater Durban region of Natal, South Africa. Environ Geol 39(9): 1029–1038Graphic
AfricaSouth AfricaNatal Group, Durban Area, KwaZulu-NatalEMAPA0.12 < EMAP < 0.16n.a.Minor events (1 or 2 landslides)Bell FG, Maud RR (2000) Landslides associated with the colluvial soils overlying the Natal Group in the greater Durban region of Natal, South Africa. Environ Geol 39(9): 1029–1038Graphic
AsiaChinan.a.IDDI = 49.11-6.81×D1.001 < D < 5n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaHong Kongn.a.A(d), RSA(15d) > 200 mm and R > 100 mmn.a.Severe eventsLumb P (1975) Slope failure in Hong Kong. Q J Eng Geol 8:31-65Graphic
AsiaHong Kongn.a.A(d), RSA(15d) > 350 mm and R > 100 mmn.a.Very severe eventsLumb P (1975) Slope failure in Hong Kong. Q J Eng Geol 8:31-65Graphic
AsiaHong Kongn.a.A(d), RSA(15d) > 50 mm and R > 50 mmn.a.Minor eventsLumb P (1975) Slope failure in Hong Kong. Q J Eng Geol 8:31-65Graphic
AsiaHong Kongn.a.IDDI = 41.83 ×D-0.581 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaHong Kongn.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.02×D-0.681 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaIndonesian.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.07-0.01×D1.002 < D < 24n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaIndonesian.a.IDDI = 92.06-10.68×D1.002 < D < 4n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaJapanChiba and Kanagawa prefecturesIMAXEShImax = 150 × E-0.380 < E < 200Lower thresholdOnodera T, Yoshinaka R, Kazama H (1974) Slope failures caused by heavy rainfall in Japan. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11: 1-10Graphic
AsiaJapanChiba and Kanagawa prefecturesIMAXEShImax = 290 × E-0.380 < E < 300Intermediate thresholdOnodera T, Yoshinaka R, Kazama H (1974) Slope failures caused by heavy rainfall in Japan. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11: 1-10Graphic
AsiaJapanChiba and Kanagawa prefecturesIMAXEShImax = 390 × E-0.380 < E < 400Upper threshold (major disaster)Onodera T, Yoshinaka R, Kazama H (1974) Slope failures caused by heavy rainfall in Japan. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11: 1-10Graphic
AsiaJapanHokkaido IslandRAR > 200 mmn.a.n.a.Endo T (1970) Probable distribution of the amount of rainfall causing landslides. Annual report, Hokkaido Branch, Govern. Forest Experiment Station, Sapporo, 123-136Graphic
AsiaJapann.a.IEDI = 112.25 - 0.20×E165 < E < 440n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaJapann.a.IMAPEMAPDIMAP = 0.04 - 0.19 × EMAP0 < EMAP < 0.22n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaJapann.a.IMAPEMAPDIMAP = 0.04 × e-3.55×EMAP0.03 < EMAP < 0.25n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaJapann.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.03×D-0.631 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaJapann.a.IDDI = 39.71 ×D-0.620.5 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaJapann.a.IEDI = 67.38 × E-0.0023×E50 < E < 400n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
AsiaJapanShikoku IslandIDAI = 1.35+55×D-1.0024 < D < 300n.a.Hong Y, Hiura H, Shino K, Sassa K, Suemine A, Fukuoka H Wang G (2005) The influence of intense rainfall on the activity of large-scale crystalline schist landslides in Shikoku Island, Japan. Landslides 2(2): 97-105Graphic
AsiaJapanShikoku IslandIEAI = 1000 × E-1.23100 < E < 230n.a.Hong Y, Hiura H, Shino K, Sassa K, Suemine A, Fukuoka H Wang G (2005) The influence of intense rainfall on the activity of large-scale crystalline schist landslides in Shikoku Island, Japan. Landslides 2(2): 97-105Graphic
Asian.a.n.a.EMAPA0.05 < EMAP < 0.10n.a.Intermediate probability of landslidesBhandari RK, Senanayake KS, Thayalan N (1991) Pitfalls in the prediction on landslide through rainfall data. In: Landslides (Bell DH, ed). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 2: 887–890Graphic
Asian.a.n.a.EMAPAEMAP > 0.20n.a.Landslides will always occurBhandari RK, Senanayake KS, Thayalan N (1991) Pitfalls in the prediction on landslide through rainfall data. In: Landslides (Bell DH, ed). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 2: 887–890Graphic
Asian.a.n.a.EMAPAEMAP < 0.05n.a.Low probability of landslidesBhandari RK, Senanayake KS, Thayalan N (1991) Pitfalls in the prediction on landslide through rainfall data. In: Landslides (Bell DH, ed). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 2: 887–890Graphic
Asian.a.n.a.EMAPA0.10 < EMAP < 0.20n.a.High probability of landslidesBhandari RK, Senanayake KS, Thayalan N (1991) Pitfalls in the prediction on landslide through rainfall data. In: Landslides (Bell DH, ed). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 2: 887–890Graphic
AsiaPhilippinesMayon Volcano, Albay, BicolIDLI = 27.3×D-0.380.167 < D < 3n.a.Rodolfo KS, Arguden AT (1991) Rain-lahar generation and sediment-delivery systems at Mayon Volcano, Philippines. In: Sedimentation in volcanic settings (Fisher RV, Smith GA, eds). Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication 45: 71–88Graphic
AsiaPhilippinesPasig Potrero River, Central LuzonIDLI = 9.23×D-0.370.08 < D < 7.92n.a.Arboleda RA, Martinez ML (1996) 1992 lahars in the Pasig-Potrero River system. In: Fire and mud: eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo (Newhall CG, Punongbayan RS, eds). Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Quezon City and University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1126 ppGraphic
AsiaPhilippinesSacobia River, Mount Pinatubo, Central LuzonIDLI = 5.94×D-1.500.167 < D < 3n.a.Tuñgol NM, Regalado MTM (1996) Rainfall, acoustic flow monitor records, and observed lahars of the Sacobia River in 1992. In: Fire and mud: eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo (Newhall CG, Punongbayan RS, eds). Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Quezon City and University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1126 ppGraphic
AsiaSri Lankan.a.EAE(3d) > 200 mmn.a.n.a.Bhandari RK, Senanayake KS, Thayalan N (1991) Pitfalls in the prediction on landslide through rainfall data. In: Landslides (Bell DH, ed). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 2: 887–890Graphic
AsiaTaiwanCentral TaiwanIDDI = 6.7×D-0.200.7 < D < 40After Chi-Chi earthquakeJan CD, Chen CL (2005) Debris flows caused by Typhoon Herb in Taiwan. In: Debris flow Hazards and Related Phenomena (Jakob M, Hungr O, eds). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 363-385Graphic
AsiaTaiwanCentral TaiwanIDDI = 13.5×D-0.200.7 < D < 40Before Chi-Chi earthquakeJan CD, Chen CL (2005) Debris flows caused by Typhoon Herb in Taiwan. In: Debris flow Hazards and Related Phenomena (Jakob M, Hungr O, eds). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 363-385Graphic
AsiaTaiwann.a.IDAI = 115.47×D-0.801 < D < 400n.a.Chien-Yuan C, Tien-Chien C, Fan-Chieh Y, Wen-Hui Y, Chun-Chieh T (2005) Rainfall duration and debris-flow initiated studies for real-time monitoring. Environmental Geology 47: 715-724Graphic
EuropeAustriaCarinthia and East TyrolIDSI = 41.66×D-0.771 < D < 1000n.a.Moser M, Hohensinn F (1983) Geotechnical aspects of soil slips in Alpine regions. Engineering Geology 19: 185–211Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.0015×D-0.710.1 < D < 4000Mild, mid-latitude climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 9.40×D-0.560.1 < D < 4000n.a.Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 8.76×D-0.610.1 < D < 700(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 0.52×D-0.16300 < D < 4000(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 15.56×D-0.700.1 < D < 4000Mild, mid-latitude climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 18.60×D-0.810.1 < D < 700Mild, mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 0.82×D-0.19300 < D < 4000Mild, mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 7.56×D-0.480.1 < D < 3000Highlands, severe mid-latitude climates Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IDAI = 8.53×D-0.640.1 < D < 3000Highlands, severe mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.007×D-0.540.1 < D < 4000n.a.Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.0064×D-0.640.1 < D < 700(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.00066×D-0.13300 < D < 4000(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.0194×D-0.730.1 < D < 700Mild, mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.00099×D-0.19300 < D < 4000Mild, mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.008×D-0.510.1 < D < 3000Highlands, severe mid-latitude climates Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IMAPDAIMAP = 0.0064×D-0.630.1 < D < 3000Highlands, severe mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 1.18×D-0.560.1 < D < 4000n.a.Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 1.01×D-0.610.1 < D < 700(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 0.072×D-0.10300 < D < 4000(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 2.18×D-0.700.1 < D < 4000Mild, mid-latitude climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 2.79×D-0.760.1 < D < 700Mild, mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 0.138×D-0.19300 < D < 4000Mild, mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 1.18×D-0.560.1 < D < 3000Highlands, severe mid-latitude climates Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeCentral and Southern Europen.a.IRDNDAIRDN = 0.99×D-0.630.1 < D < 3000Highlands, severe mid-latitude climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007) Rainfall threholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98: 239-267Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 26.871×D-0.6380.1 < D < 35Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPIShEMAP = 6.5471 - 1.4916 × ln I3 < I < 50Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPDShEMAP = 5.1198 + 0.2032×D1 < D < 30Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPDShEMAP = 1.0711 + 0.1974×D1 < D < 30Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 375.00 + 1.25×D12 < D ≤ 24For catastrophic landslidesAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 150.00 + 20.00×D3 < D ≤ 12For catastrophic landslidesAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 45.00 + 55.00×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3For catastrophic landslidesAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 165.00 + 1.25×D12 < D ≤ 24Minimum thresholdAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 66.67 + 9.44×D3 < D ≤ 12Minimum thresholdAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 27.50 + 22.50×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3Minimum thresholdAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 76.199×D-0.6920.1 < D ≤ 12Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 38.363×D-0.7430.1 < D ≤ 12Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 85.584×D-0.7810.1 < D < 35Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPIShEMAP = 14.183 - 2.4812 × ln I10 < I < 50Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyCampaniaIDAI = 28.10×D-0.741 < D < 600n.a.Calcaterra D, Parise M, Palma B, Pelella L (2000) The influence of meteoric events in triggering shallow landslides in pyroclastic deposits of Campania, Italy. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides, (Bromhead E, Dixon N, Ibsen ML, eds). Cardiff, Wales: A.A. Balkema, 1: 209-214Graphic
EuropeItalyCancia, Dolomites, Belluno, VenetoEMAPIDEMAP = 3.93 - 1.36 × ln II > 2n.a.Bacchini M, Zannoni A (2003) Relations between rainfall and triggering of debris-flow: a case study of Cancia (Dolomites, Northeastern Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3: 71-79Graphic
EuropeItalyCancia, Dolomites, Friuli Venezia GiuliaIMAPDDIMAP = 0.74×D-0.560.1 < D < 100n.a.Bacchini M, Zannoni A (2003) Relations between rainfall and triggering of debris-flow: a case study of Cancia (Dolomites, Northeastern Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3: 71-79Graphic
EuropeItalyCentral Alps, LombardyIMAPDDIMAP = 2.0×D-0.551 < D < 100n.a.Ceriani M, Lauzi S, Padovan N (1992) Rainfall and landslides in the Alpine area of Lombardia Region, central Alps, Italy. In: Internationales Symposium. Bern: Interpraevent 2: 9-20Graphic
EuropeItalyChampeyron Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 18.675×D-0.5651 < D < 24A(60d) < 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
EuropeItalyChampeyron Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 12.649×D-0.53241 < D < 24A(60d) > 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
EuropeItalyCordevole River, Belluno, VenetoA(d), RShA(15d) > 250 mm and R > 70 mmn.a.n.a.Pasuto A, Silvano S (1998). Rainfall as a triggering factor of shallow mass movements. A case study in the Dolomites, Italy. Environ Geol 35(2-3): 184-189Graphic
EuropeItalyLanzo Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.6058×D-0.46441 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
EuropeItalyLombardyIDAI = 20.1×D-0.551 < D < 1000n.a.Ceriani M, Lauzi S, Padovan N (1992) Rainfall and landslides in the Alpine area of Lombardia Region, central Alps, Italy. In: Internationales Symposium. Bern: Interpraevent 2: 9-20Graphic
EuropeItalyMontaldo Area, CalabriaA(d)AA(50d) > 530 mmn.a.n.a.Sorriso-Valvo M, Agnesi V, Gulla G, Merende L, Antronico L, Di Maggio C, Filice E, Petrucci O, Tansi C (1994) Temporal and spatial occurrence of landsliding and correlation with precipitation time series in Montaldo Uffugo (Calabria) and Imera (Sicilia) areas. In: Temporal Occurrence and Forecasting of Landslides in the European Community (Casale R, Fantechi R, Flageollet JC, eds). Final Report 2: 825- 869Graphic
EuropeItalyMoscardo Torrent, Friuli Venezia GiuliaIDAI = 15×D-0.701 < D < 30n.a.Marchi L, Arattano M, Deganutti AM (2002) Ten years of debris-flow monitoring in the Moscardo Torrent (Italian Alps). Geomorphology 46: 1-17Graphic
EuropeItalyn.a.EAE(1-3d) > 100 mmn.a.For marly, arenaceous rocksCanuti P, Focardi P, Garzonio CA (1985) Correlation between rainfall and landslides. Bull Int Assoc Eng Geol 32: 49-54Graphic
EuropeItalyNorth Eastern AlpsIMAPDDIMAP = 0.026×D-0.5070.1 < D < 24n.a.Paronuzzi P, Coccolo A, Garlatti G (1998) Eventi meteorici critici e debris flows nei bacini montani del Friuli. L'Acqua, Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, Sezione I/Memorie: 39-50Graphic
EuropeItalyNorth Eastern AlpsIDDI = 47.742×D-0.5070.1 < D < 24n.a.Paronuzzi P, Coccolo A, Garlatti G (1998) Eventi meteorici critici e debris flows nei bacini montani del Friuli. L'Acqua, Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, Sezione I/Memorie: 39-50Graphic
EuropeItalyOrco Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.6832×D-0.55331 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
EuropeItalyOssola Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 0.6222×D-0.22821 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
EuropeItalyPerilleux Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 10.67×D-0.50431 < D < 24A(60d) < 9% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
EuropeItalyPerilleux Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 11.00×D-0.44591 < D < 24A(60d)> 9% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
EuropeItalyPeri-Vesuvian area, CampaniaIDDI = 176.40×D-0.900.1 < D < 1000Volcanic soilsGuadagno FM (1991) Debris flows in the Campanian volcaniclastic soil (Southern Italy). In: Proceedings International Conference on slope stability. Isle of Wight: Thomas Telford, 125-130Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.70 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60High magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.13×I-0.121.5 ≤ I ≤ 8For winter and springGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.54 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60General thresholdAleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15–25Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.30×I-0.393.5 ≤ I ≤ 20For summer and autumnGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.51 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60Low magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.28 < EMAP < 0.38n.a.up to 60 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.72×I-0.6820 ≤ I ≤ 50For summerGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.22 < EMAP < 0.31n.a.up to 30 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.10 < EMAP < 0.25n.a.3 to 15 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIfMAP = 4.62×D-0.792 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 0.76×D-0.332 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontCMAPDShCMAP = -10.465 + 8.35×lnD5 < D < 30n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIDAI = 44.668×D-0.78×N1 < D < 1000n.a.Barbero S, Rabuffetti D, Zaccagnino M (2004) Una metodologia per la definizione delle soglie pluviometriche a supporto dell'emissione dell'allertamento. In: Proceedings of 29th Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, 211-217Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIDShI = 19×D-0.504 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247–265Graphic
EuropeItalyRho Basin, Susa Valley, PiedmontIDDI = 9.521×D-0.49551 < D < 24A(60d) > 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
EuropeItalyRho Basin, Susa Valley, PiedmontIDDI=11.698×D-0.47831 < D < 24A(60d) < 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
EuropeItalySarno, CampaniaRAR > 75 mmn.a.For saturated pyroclastic soils, upper thresholdBiafiore M, Braca G, De Blasio A, Martone M, Onorati G, Tranfaglia G (2002) Il monitoraggio ambientale dei territori campani a rischio di frane e di alluvioni: lo sviluppo della rete idropluviometrica del Servizio Idrografico e Mareografico Nazionale. Unpublished report.Graphic
EuropeItalySarno, CampaniaRAR > 55 mmn.a.For saturated pyroclastic soils, lower thresholdBiafiore M, Braca G, De Blasio A, Martone M, Onorati G, Tranfaglia G (2002) Il monitoraggio ambientale dei territori campani a rischio di frane e di alluvioni: lo sviluppo della rete idropluviometrica del Servizio Idrografico e Mareografico Nazionale. Unpublished report.Graphic
EuropeItalySesia Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.1122×D-0.24761 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
EuropeItalyValtellina, LombardyIDSI = 44.668×D-0.781 < D < 1000n.a.Cancelli A, Nova R (1985) Landslides in soil debris cover triggered by rainstorms in Valtellina (central Alps - Italy). In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference and Field Workshop on Landslides. Tokyo: The Japan Geological Society, 267–272Graphic
EuropeItalyValzangona, MarcheIDAI = 18.83×D-0.5924 < D < 3360n.a.Floris M, Mari M, Romeo RW, Gori U (2004) Modelling of landslide-triggering factors - A case study in the Northern Apennines, Italy. In: Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 104: Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Planning in Europe (Hack R, Azzam R, Charlier R, eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 745-753Graphic
EuropeNorwayn.a.CMAPDDCMAP = 1.2×D0.600.1 < E < 180n.a.Sandersen F, Bakkehøi S, Hestnes E, Lied K (1996) The influence of meteorological factors on the initiation of debris flows, rockfalls, rockslides and rockmass stability. In: Landslides (Senneset, ed). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 97–114Graphic
EuropePortugalNord Of Lisbon, PortugalEDAE = 70.00 + 0.2625×D0.1 < D < 2400n.a.Zezere JL, Rodrigues ML (2002) Rainfall thresholds for landsliding in Lisbon Area (Portugal). In: Landslides (Rybar J, Stemberk J, Wagner P, eds). Lisse: A.A. Balkema, 333–338Graphic
EuropePortugalNorth of LisbonIDAI = 84.3×D-0.570.1 < D < 2000n.a.Zezere JL, Trigo RM, Trigo IF (2005) Shallow and deep landslides induced by rainfall in the Lisbon region (Portugal): assessment of relationships with the North Atlantic Oscillation. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5: 331-344Graphic
EuropeSpainEastern Pyrenees MountainsEAE(24-36h) > 180-190 mmn.a.Slight shallow landslidingCorominas J, Moya J (1999) Reconstructing recent landslide activity in relation to rainfall in the Llobregat River basin, Eastern Pyrences, Spain. Geomorphology 30: 79-93Graphic
EuropeSpainEastern Pyrenees MountainsEAE(24-48h) > 300 mmn.a.Widespread landslidingCorominas J, Moya J (1999) Reconstructing recent landslide activity in relation to rainfall in the Llobregat River basin, Eastern Pyrences, Spain. Geomorphology 30: 79-93Graphic
EuropeSpainLlobregat valley, Pyrenees MountainsEDAE = 133.00 + 0.19×D84 < D < 1092n.a.Corominas J, Moya J (1999) Reconstructing recent landslide activity in relation to rainfall in the Llobregat River basin, Eastern Pyrences, Spain. Geomorphology 30: 79-93Graphic
EuropeSpainLlobregat valley, Pyrenees MountainsRSh, DR > 160-200 mmn.a.Absence of antecedent rainCorominas J, Moya J (1996) Historical landslides in the Eastern Pyrenees and their relation to rainy events. In: Landslides (Chacon J, Irigaray C, Fernandez T, eds). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 125-132Graphic
EuropeSpainPyrenees MountainsIDAI = 17.96×D-0.59D > 168E > 90 mmCorominas J, Ayala FJ, Cendrero A, Chacon J, Díaz de Teran JR, Gonzales A, Moja J, Vilaplana JM (2005) Impacts on natural hazard of climatic origin. In ECCE Final Report: A Preliminary Assessment of the Impacts in Spain due to the Effects of Climate Change. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.Graphic
EuropeSwitzerlandn.a.IDAI = 32×D-0.701 < D < 45n.a.Zimmermann M, Mani P, Gamma P, Gsteiger P, Heiniger O, Hunziker G (1997) Murganggefahr und Climaänderung - ein GIS-basierter Ansatz. In: Schlussbericht Nationalen Forschngs Programmes, NFP 31. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH, 161 ppGraphic
North AmericaCanadaNorth Shore MountainsIDShI = 4.0×D-0.450.1 < D < 150n.a.Jakob M, Weatherly H (2003) A hydroclimatic threshold for landslide initiation on the North Shore Mountains of Vancouver, British Columbia. Geomorphology 54: 137-156Graphic
North AmericaJamaicaEastern JamaicaIDShI = 11.5×D-0.261 < D < 150n.a.Ahmad R (2003) Developing early warning systems in Jamaica: rainfall thresholds for hydrological hazards. National Disaster Management Conference, Ocho Rios, St Ann, Jamaica, 9-10 September 2003. at website:
North AmericaNicaragua, El Salvadorn.a.ICE96hLIC = 258 × E96h-0.320 < E96h < 500n.a.Heyerdahl H, Harbitz CB, Domaas U, Sandersen F, Tronstad K, Nowacki F, Engen A, Kjekstad O, Dévoli G, Buezo SG, Diaz MR, Hernandez W (2003) Rainfall induced lahars in volcanic debris in Nicaragua and El Salvador: practical mitigation. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Slope Movements - Prediction and Prevention for risk Mitigation, IC-FSM2003. Naples, Italy, 11-13 MayGraphic
North AmericaPuerto Ricon.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.06×D-0.591 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
North AmericaPuerto Ricon.a.IDAI = 91.46×D-0.822 < D < 312n.a.Larsen MC, Simon A (1993) A rainfall intensity-duration threshold for landslides in a humid-tropical environment, Puerto Rico. Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography 75(1-2): 13-23Graphic
North AmericaPuerto Ricon.a.IDDI = 66.18×D-0.520.5 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
North AmericaUSAAlamanda CountyRAR > 180 mmn.a.n.a.Nilsen TH, Taylor FA, Brabb EE (1976) Recent landslides in Alamanda County, California (1940-71). US Geological Survey Bul 1398Graphic
North AmericaUSABlue RidgeIDDI = 116.48×D-0.632 < D < 16n.a.Wieczorek GF, Morgan BA, Campbell RH (2000) Debris flow hazards in the Blue Ridge of Central Virginia. Environ Eng Geosci 6: 3–23Graphic
North AmericaUSABlue RidgeIMAPDDIMAP = 0.09×D-0.632 < D < 16n.a.Wieczorek GF, Morgan BA, Campbell RH (2000) Debris flow hazards in the Blue Ridge of Central Virginia. Environ Eng Geosci 6: 3–23Graphic
North AmericaUSACentral Santa Cruz MountainsIDDI = 1.7+9×D-1.001 < D < 6.5n.a.Wieczorek GF (1987) Effect of rainfall intensity and duration on debris flows in central Santa Cruz Mountains. In: Debris flow/avalanches: process, recognition, and mitigation (Costa JE, Wieczorek GF, eds). Geological Society of America, Reviews in Engineering Geology, 7: 93–104Graphic
North AmericaUSAChalk Cliffs, ColoradoIDDI = 6.61×D-0.770 < D < 2.6n.a.Coe A, Kinner DA, Godt JW (In Press) Initiation conditions for runoff-generated debris flows at Chalk Cliffs, Central Colorado, USAGraphic
North AmericaUSAContra Costa CountyEShE > 177.8 mmn.a.Abundant landslidesNilsen TH, Turner BL (1975) Influence of rainfall and ancient landslide deposits on recent landslides (1950-1971) in urban areas of Contra Costa County, California. US Geological Survey Bul 1388Graphic
North AmericaUSAKaluanui, HonoluluEDDE = 15.75 + 12.19×D3 < D ≤ 6Safety thresholdWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSAKaluanui, HonoluluEDDE = 13.84 + 12.83×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3Safety thresholdWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSAKaluanui, HonoluluEDDE = 53.34 + 17.78×D3 < D ≤ 6For abundant landslidesWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSAKaluanui, HonoluluEDDE = 8.76 + 32.64×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3For abundant landslidesWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSALos Angeles AreaRAR > 235 mmn.a.n.a.Campbell RH (1975) Soil slips, debris flows, and rainstorms in the Santa Monica Mountains and vicinity, southern California. In: US Geological Survey Professional Paper 851. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 51 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSAMettman RidgeIDAI = 9.9×D-0.521 < D < 170n.a.Montgomery DR, Schmidt KM, Greenberg HM, Dietrich WE (2000) Forest clearing and regional landsliding. Geology 28(4): 311-314Graphic
North AmericaUSAn.a.IDDI = 26.51 ×D-0.190.5 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
North AmericaUSAn.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.03×D-0.331 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
North AmericaUSAn.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.03×D-0.210.5 < D < 8n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
North AmericaUSAn.a.IEDI = 31.99 - 0.10×E0 < E < 315n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
North AmericaUSAn.a.IDDI = 35.23 ×D-0.543 < D < 12n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
North AmericaUSANuuanu, HonoluluEDDE = 48.26 + 15.24×D3 < D ≤ 6For abundant landslidesWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSANuuanu, HonoluluEDDE = 12.45 + 27.18×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3For abundant landslidesWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSANuuanu, HonoluluEDDE = 9.91 + 3.22×D3 < D ≤ 6Safety thresholdWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSANuuanu, HonoluluEDDE = 13.08 + 2.16×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3Safety thresholdWilson RC, Torikai JD, Ellen SD (1992) Development of rainfall thresholds for debris flows in the Honolulu District, Oahu. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-521, 45 ppGraphic
North AmericaUSASan Benito CountyEAE > 250 mmn.a.n.a.Oberste-lehn D (1976) Slope stability of the Lomerias Muertas area, San Benito County, California. PhD, Stanford University, CaliforniaGraphic
North AmericaUSASan Francisco Bay AreaEShE > 254 mmn.a.Greater propensity for landslidesMark and Newman cited in Cannon SH, Ellen SD (1985) Rainfall conditions for abundant debris avalanches, San Francisco Bay region, California. Calif Geol 38: 267–272Graphic
North AmericaUSASan Francisco Bay AreaIMAPDDD = 46.1-3.6·103×IMAP + 7.4·104×IMAP21 < D < 24n.a.Cannon SH (1988) Regional rainfall-threshold conditions for abundant debris-flow activity. In: Landslides, Floods, and Marine Effects of the Etorm of January 3-5, 1982, in the San Francisco Bay Region, California (Ellen SD, Wieczorek GF, eds). US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1434, 35-42Graphic
North AmericaUSASan Francisco Bay AreaIDDI = 2.5+300×D-2.005.5 < D < 24Low MAPCannon SH, Ellen SD (1985) Rainfall conditions for abundant debris avalanches, San Francisco Bay region, California. Calif Geol 38: 267–272Graphic
North AmericaUSASan Francisco Bay AreaIDDI = 6.9+38×D-1.002 < D < 24High MAPCannon SH, Ellen SD (1985) Rainfall conditions for abundant debris avalanches, San Francisco Bay region, California. Calif Geol 38: 267–272Graphic
North AmericaUSASeattle AreaIDSI = 82.73×D-1.1320 < D < 55n.a.Baum RL, Godt JW, Harp EL, McKenna JP (2005) Early warning of landslides for rail traffic between Seattle and Everett, Washington. In: Landslide Risk Management, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Landslide Risk Management (Hungr O, Fell R, Couture R, Ebdrhardt E, eds). New York: A.A. Balkema, 731-740Graphic
South AmericaBraziln.a.EMAPAEMAP < 0.08n.a.Not likely to trigger landslidesGuidicini G, Iwasa OY (1977) Tentative correlation between rainfall and landslides in a humid tropical environment. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology 16: 13-20Graphic
South AmericaBraziln.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.06-0.02×D1.000.5 < D < 2n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
South AmericaBraziln.a.IDDI = 63.38-22.19×D1.000.5 < D < 2n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
South AmericaBraziln.a.IMAPEMAPDIMAP = 0.004 × EMAP-0.920.04 < EMAP < 0.4n.a.Jibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
South AmericaBraziln.a.EMAPAEMAP > 0.12n.a.Independently of antecedent rainfallGuidicini G, Iwasa OY (1977) Tentative correlation between rainfall and landslides in a humid tropical environment. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology 16: 13-20Graphic
South AmericaBraziln.a.EMAPA0.08 < EMAP < 0.12n.a.Depending on antecedent rainfallGuidicini G, Iwasa OY (1977) Tentative correlation between rainfall and landslides in a humid tropical environment. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology 16: 13-20Graphic
South AmericaBraziln.a.EDDE = 22.4×D0.411 < D < 10,000n.a.Kanji MA, Massad F, Cruz PT (2003) Debris flows in areas of residual soils: occurrence and characteristics. International Workshop on Occurrence and Mechanisms of Flows in Natural Slopes and Earthfills. Iw-Flows2003, Sorrento, May, 14-16, 2003Graphic
South AmericaBrazilSerra do Mar, Cubatao, Sao PaoloIESl, EI = 2603 × E96h-0.9330 < E96h < 500Human induced failuresTatizana C, Ogura M, Rocha M, Cerri LES (1987) Analise de correlacao entre chuvas e escorregamentos, Serra do Mar, Municipio de Cubatao. Proceedings 5th Congress Brasiler, Geol Eng San Paolo: 225–236Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IMAPDSh, DIMAP = 0.0005×D-0.1348 < D < 1000(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IMAPDSh, DIMAP = 0.0017×D-0.130.1 < D < 48(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IMAPDSh, DIMAP = 0.0016×D-0.400.1 < D < 1000n.a.Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 8.31×D-0.640.1 < D < 48Mountain climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 8.70×D-0.660.1 < D < 1000Mountain climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 6.25×D-0.110.1 < D < 48Warm humid subtropical climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 6.68×D-0.520.1 < D < 1000Warm humid subtropical climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 3.55×D-0.400.1 < D < 48Mediterranean cool climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 3.57×D-0.410.1 < D < 1000Mediterranean cool climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 5.35×D-0.440.1 < D < 48Mediterranean warm climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 4.81×D-0.490.1 < D < 1000Mediterranean warm climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 22.26×D-0.900.1 < D < 48Mild marine west coast climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 16.43×D-0.980.1 < D < 1000Mild marine west coast climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 10.30×D-0.350.1 < D < 48Humid subtropical east coast climates (Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 6.90×D-0.580.1 < D < 1000Humid subtropical east coast climatesGuzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 0.48×D-0.1148 < D < 1000(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 2.28×D-0.200.1 < D < 48(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSh, DI = 2.20×D-0.440.1 < D < 1000Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDAI = 14.82×D-0.390.167 < D < 500n.a.Caine N (1980) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows. Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography 62: 23–27Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.EDAE = 14.82 × D0.610.167 < D < 500n.a.Caine N (1980) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows. Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography 62: 23-27Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.EDDE = 4.93 × D0.5040.1 < D < 100n.a.Innes JL (1983) Debris flows. Progress in Physical Geography 7: 469-501Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDDI = 30.53 ×D-0.570.5 < D < 12Lower envelopeJibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IMAPEMAPDIMAP = 0.003 × EMAP-0.740.03 < EMAP < 0.4Lower envelopeJibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSI = 10×D-0.770.1 < D < 1000n.a.Clarizia M, Gullà G, Sorbino G (1996) Sui meccanismi di innesco dei soil slip. International Conference "Prevention of hydrogeological hazards: the role of scientific research" 1: 585-597Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDShI=0.48+7.2×D-1.000.1 < D < 1000n.a.Crosta GB, Frattini P (2001) Rainfall thresholds for triggering soil slips and debris flow. In: Mediterranean Storms (Mugnai A, Guzzetti F, Roth G, eds), Proceedings of the 2nd EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Siena, Italy, 463-487Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDDI = 7.00×D-0.600.1 < D < 3For burnt areasCannon SH, Gartner JE (2005) Wildfire-related debris flow from a hazards perspective. In: Debris flow Hazards and Related Phenomena (Jakob M, Hungr O, eds). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 363-385Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IMAPDDIMAP = 0.02×D-0.650.5 < D < 12Lower envelopeJibson RW (1989) Debris flow in southern Porto Rico. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 236, 29–55Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IRDNDSh, DIRDN = 0.06×D-0.1248 < D < 1000(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IRDNDSh, DIRDN = 0.27×D-0.140.1 < D < 48(Threshold obtained from probability estimates of rainfall data)Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IRDNDSh, DIRDN = 0.25×D-0.390.1 < D < 1000n.a.Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flows: an update. Landslides 5: 3-17Graphic

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