Friday 07 March 2025

Rainfall thresholds in Piedmont (sorted by Threshold type)

NationZoneThreshold typeLandslide codeEquationRangeNotesReferenceImage
ItalyPiedmontCMAPDShCMAP = -10.465 + 8.35×lnD5 < D < 30n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.10 < EMAP < 0.25n.a.3 to 15 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.22 < EMAP < 0.31n.a.up to 30 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.28 < EMAP < 0.38n.a.up to 60 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.30×I-0.393.5 ≤ I ≤ 20For summer and autumnGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.72×I-0.6820 ≤ I ≤ 50For summerGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.13×I-0.121.5 ≤ I ≤ 8For winter and springGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIDAI = 44.668×D-0.78×N1 < D < 1000n.a.Barbero S, Rabuffetti D, Zaccagnino M (2004) Una metodologia per la definizione delle soglie pluviometriche a supporto dell'emissione dell'allertamento. In: Proceedings of 29th Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, 211-217Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIDShI = 19×D-0.504 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247–265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.54 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60General thresholdAleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15–25Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.51 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60Low magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.70 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60High magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIfMAP = 4.62×D-0.792 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 0.76×D-0.332 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic

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