Continent | Nation | Zone | Threshold type | Landslide code | Equation | Range | Notes | Reference | Image |
Africa | South Africa | Natal Group, Durban Area, KwaZulu-Natal | E | A | E(2h) > 100-150 mm | n.a. | n.a. | Bell FG, Maud RR (2000) Landslides associated with the colluvial soils overlying the Natal Group in the greater Durban region of Natal, South Africa. Environ Geol 39(9): 1029–1038 | Graphic |
Asia | Sri Lanka | n.a. | E | A | E(3d) > 200 mm | n.a. | n.a. | Bhandari RK, Senanayake KS, Thayalan N (1991) Pitfalls in the prediction on landslide through rainfall data. In: Landslides (Bell DH, ed). Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 2: 887–890 | Graphic |
Europe | Italy | n.a. | E | A | E(1-3d) > 100 mm | n.a. | For marly, arenaceous rocks | Canuti P, Focardi P, Garzonio CA (1985) Correlation between rainfall and landslides. Bull Int Assoc Eng Geol 32: 49-54 | Graphic |
Europe | Spain | Eastern Pyrenees Mountains | E | A | E(24-48h) > 300 mm | n.a. | Widespread landsliding | Corominas J, Moya J (1999) Reconstructing recent landslide activity in relation to rainfall in the Llobregat River basin, Eastern Pyrences, Spain. Geomorphology 30: 79-93 | Graphic |
Europe | Spain | Eastern Pyrenees Mountains | E | A | E(24-36h) > 180-190 mm | n.a. | Slight shallow landsliding | Corominas J, Moya J (1999) Reconstructing recent landslide activity in relation to rainfall in the Llobregat River basin, Eastern Pyrences, Spain. Geomorphology 30: 79-93 | Graphic |
North America | USA | Contra Costa County | E | Sh | E > 177.8 mm | n.a. | Abundant landslides | Nilsen TH, Turner BL (1975) Influence of rainfall and ancient landslide deposits on recent landslides (1950-1971) in urban areas of Contra Costa County, California. US Geological Survey Bul 1388 | Graphic |
North America | USA | San Benito County | E | A | E > 250 mm | n.a. | n.a. | Oberste-lehn D (1976) Slope stability of the Lomerias Muertas area, San Benito County, California. PhD, Stanford University, California | Graphic |
North America | USA | San Francisco Bay Area | E | Sh | E > 254 mm | n.a. | Greater propensity for landslides | Mark and Newman cited in Cannon SH, Ellen SD (1985) Rainfall conditions for abundant debris avalanches, San Francisco Bay region, California. Calif Geol 38: 267–272 | Graphic |