Monday 31 March 2025

Landslide typeLandslide codeDescription
LaharLLahar, a debris flow in volcanic materials

Thresholds sorted by Continent

ContinentNationZoneThreshold typeLandslide codeEquationRangeNotesReferenceImage
AsiaPhilippinesMayon Volcano, Albay, BicolIDLI = 27.3×D-0.380.167 < D < 3n.a.Rodolfo KS, Arguden AT (1991) Rain-lahar generation and sediment-delivery systems at Mayon Volcano, Philippines. In: Sedimentation in volcanic settings (Fisher RV, Smith GA, eds). Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication 45: 71–88Graphic
AsiaPhilippinesPasig Potrero River, Central LuzonIDLI = 9.23×D-0.370.08 < D < 7.92n.a.Arboleda RA, Martinez ML (1996) 1992 lahars in the Pasig-Potrero River system. In: Fire and mud: eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo (Newhall CG, Punongbayan RS, eds). Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Quezon City and University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1126 ppGraphic
AsiaPhilippinesSacobia River, Mount Pinatubo, Central LuzonIDLI = 5.94×D-1.500.167 < D < 3n.a.Tuńgol NM, Regalado MTM (1996) Rainfall, acoustic flow monitor records, and observed lahars of the Sacobia River in 1992. In: Fire and mud: eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo (Newhall CG, Punongbayan RS, eds). Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Quezon City and University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1126 ppGraphic
North AmericaNicaragua, El Salvadorn.a.ICE96hLIC = 258 × E96h-0.320 < E96h < 500n.a.Heyerdahl H, Harbitz CB, Domaas U, Sandersen F, Tronstad K, Nowacki F, Engen A, Kjekstad O, Dévoli G, Buezo SG, Diaz MR, Hernandez W (2003) Rainfall induced lahars in volcanic debris in Nicaragua and El Salvador: practical mitigation. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Slope Movements - Prediction and Prevention for risk Mitigation, IC-FSM2003. Naples, Italy, 11-13 MayGraphic

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