Monday 31 March 2025

Landslide typeLandslide codeDescription
Shallow landslideShShallow landslide (most commonly a soil slip or soil slide)

Thresholds sorted by Continent

ContinentNationZoneThreshold typeLandslide codeEquationRangeNotesReferenceImage
AsiaJapanChiba and Kanagawa prefecturesIMAXEShImax = 150 × E-0.380 < E < 200Lower thresholdOnodera T, Yoshinaka R, Kazama H (1974) Slope failures caused by heavy rainfall in Japan. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11: 1-10Graphic
AsiaJapanChiba and Kanagawa prefecturesIMAXEShImax = 390 × E-0.380 < E < 400Upper threshold (major disaster)Onodera T, Yoshinaka R, Kazama H (1974) Slope failures caused by heavy rainfall in Japan. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11: 1-10Graphic
AsiaJapanChiba and Kanagawa prefecturesIMAXEShImax = 290 × E-0.380 < E < 300Intermediate thresholdOnodera T, Yoshinaka R, Kazama H (1974) Slope failures caused by heavy rainfall in Japan. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11: 1-10Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 38.363×D-0.7430.1 < D ≤ 12Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 76.199×D-0.6920.1 < D ≤ 12Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPDShEMAP = 1.0711 + 0.1974×D1 < D < 30Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPDShEMAP = 5.1198 + 0.2032×D1 < D < 30Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPIShEMAP = 6.5471 - 1.4916 × ln I3 < I < 50Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPIShEMAP = 14.183 - 2.4812 × ln I10 < I < 50Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 26.871×D-0.6380.1 < D < 35Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 85.584×D-0.7810.1 < D < 35Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
EuropeItalyCordevole River, Belluno, VenetoA(d), RShA(15d) > 250 mm and R > 70 mmn.a.n.a.Pasuto A, Silvano S (1998). Rainfall as a triggering factor of shallow mass movements. A case study in the Dolomites, Italy. Environ Geol 35(2-3): 184-189Graphic
EuropeItalyLanzo Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.6058×D-0.46441 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
EuropeItalyOrco Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.6832×D-0.55331 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
EuropeItalyOssola Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 0.6222×D-0.22821 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIDShI = 19×D-0.504 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247–265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 0.76×D-0.332 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontCMAPDShCMAP = -10.465 + 8.35×lnD5 < D < 30n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIfMAP = 4.62×D-0.792 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.54 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60General thresholdAleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15–25Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.51 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60Low magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.70 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60High magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
EuropeItalySesia Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.1122×D-0.24761 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
North AmericaCanadaNorth Shore MountainsIDShI = 4.0×D-0.450.1 < D < 150n.a.Jakob M, Weatherly H (2003) A hydroclimatic threshold for landslide initiation on the North Shore Mountains of Vancouver, British Columbia. Geomorphology 54: 137-156Graphic
North AmericaJamaicaEastern JamaicaIDShI = 11.5×D-0.261 < D < 150n.a.Ahmad R (2003) Developing early warning systems in Jamaica: rainfall thresholds for hydrological hazards. National Disaster Management Conference, Ocho Rios, St Ann, Jamaica, 9-10 September 2003. at website:
North AmericaUSAContra Costa CountyEShE > 177.8 mmn.a.Abundant landslidesNilsen TH, Turner BL (1975) Influence of rainfall and ancient landslide deposits on recent landslides (1950-1971) in urban areas of Contra Costa County, California. US Geological Survey Bul 1388Graphic
North AmericaUSASan Francisco Bay AreaEShE > 254 mmn.a.Greater propensity for landslidesMark and Newman cited in Cannon SH, Ellen SD (1985) Rainfall conditions for abundant debris avalanches, San Francisco Bay region, California. Calif Geol 38: 267–272Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDShI=0.48+7.2×D-1.000.1 < D < 1000n.a.Crosta GB, Frattini P (2001) Rainfall thresholds for triggering soil slips and debris flow. In: Mediterranean Storms (Mugnai A, Guzzetti F, Roth G, eds), Proceedings of the 2nd EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Siena, Italy, 463-487Graphic

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