Wednesday 05 February 2025

Rainfall thresholds in Italy, sorted by Zone

NationZoneThreshold typeLandslide codeEquationRangeNotesReferenceImage
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 375.00 + 1.25×D12 < D ≤ 24For catastrophic landslidesAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 66.67 + 9.44×D3 < D ≤ 12Minimum thresholdAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 165.00 + 1.25×D12 < D ≤ 24Minimum thresholdAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 45.00 + 55.00×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3For catastrophic landslidesAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 150.00 + 20.00×D3 < D ≤ 12For catastrophic landslidesAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEDDE = 27.50 + 22.50×D1 ≤ D ≤ 3Minimum thresholdAnnunziati A, Focardi A, Focardi P, Martello S, Vannocci P (2000) Analysis of the rainfall thresholds that induced debris flows in the area of Apuan Alps - Tuscany, Italy (19 June 1996 storm). In: Proceeding of the EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms. Maratea, Italy, 485-493Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPDShEMAP = 5.1198 + 0.2032×D1 < D < 30Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPDShEMAP = 1.0711 + 0.1974×D1 < D < 30Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPIShEMAP = 6.5471 - 1.4916 × ln I3 < I < 50Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyEMAPIShEMAP = 14.183 - 2.4812 × ln I10 < I < 50Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 26.871×D-0.6380.1 < D < 35Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 85.584×D-0.7810.1 < D < 35Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 38.363×D-0.7430.1 < D ≤ 12Lower thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyApuane Alps, TuscanyIDShI = 76.199×D-0.6920.1 < D ≤ 12Upper thresholdGiannecchini R (2005) Rainfall triggering soil slips in the southern Apuane Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Advances in Geosciences 2: 21-24Graphic
ItalyCampaniaIDAI = 28.10×D-0.741 < D < 600n.a.Calcaterra D, Parise M, Palma B, Pelella L (2000) The influence of meteoric events in triggering shallow landslides in pyroclastic deposits of Campania, Italy. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides, (Bromhead E, Dixon N, Ibsen ML, eds). Cardiff, Wales: A.A. Balkema, 1: 209-214Graphic
ItalyCancia, Dolomites, Belluno, VenetoEMAPIDEMAP = 3.93 - 1.36 × ln II > 2n.a.Bacchini M, Zannoni A (2003) Relations between rainfall and triggering of debris-flow: a case study of Cancia (Dolomites, Northeastern Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3: 71-79Graphic
ItalyCancia, Dolomites, Friuli Venezia GiuliaIMAPDDIMAP = 0.74×D-0.560.1 < D < 100n.a.Bacchini M, Zannoni A (2003) Relations between rainfall and triggering of debris-flow: a case study of Cancia (Dolomites, Northeastern Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3: 71-79Graphic
ItalyCentral Alps, LombardyIMAPDDIMAP = 2.0×D-0.551 < D < 100n.a.Ceriani M, Lauzi S, Padovan N (1992) Rainfall and landslides in the Alpine area of Lombardia Region, central Alps, Italy. In: Internationales Symposium. Bern: Interpraevent 2: 9-20Graphic
ItalyChampeyron Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 12.649×D-0.53241 < D < 24A(60d) > 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
ItalyChampeyron Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 18.675×D-0.5651 < D < 24A(60d) < 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
ItalyCordevole River, Belluno, VenetoA(d), RShA(15d) > 250 mm and R > 70 mmn.a.n.a.Pasuto A, Silvano S (1998). Rainfall as a triggering factor of shallow mass movements. A case study in the Dolomites, Italy. Environ Geol 35(2-3): 184-189Graphic
ItalyLanzo Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.6058×D-0.46441 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
ItalyLombardyIDAI = 20.1×D-0.551 < D < 1000n.a.Ceriani M, Lauzi S, Padovan N (1992) Rainfall and landslides in the Alpine area of Lombardia Region, central Alps, Italy. In: Internationales Symposium. Bern: Interpraevent 2: 9-20Graphic
ItalyMontaldo Area, CalabriaA(d)AA(50d) > 530 mmn.a.n.a.Sorriso-Valvo M, Agnesi V, Gulla G, Merende L, Antronico L, Di Maggio C, Filice E, Petrucci O, Tansi C (1994) Temporal and spatial occurrence of landsliding and correlation with precipitation time series in Montaldo Uffugo (Calabria) and Imera (Sicilia) areas. In: Temporal Occurrence and Forecasting of Landslides in the European Community (Casale R, Fantechi R, Flageollet JC, eds). Final Report 2: 825- 869Graphic
ItalyMoscardo Torrent, Friuli Venezia GiuliaIDAI = 15×D-0.701 < D < 30n.a.Marchi L, Arattano M, Deganutti AM (2002) Ten years of debris-flow monitoring in the Moscardo Torrent (Italian Alps). Geomorphology 46: 1-17Graphic
Italyn.a.EAE(1-3d) > 100 mmn.a.For marly, arenaceous rocksCanuti P, Focardi P, Garzonio CA (1985) Correlation between rainfall and landslides. Bull Int Assoc Eng Geol 32: 49-54Graphic
ItalyNorth Eastern AlpsIDDI = 47.742×D-0.5070.1 < D < 24n.a.Paronuzzi P, Coccolo A, Garlatti G (1998) Eventi meteorici critici e debris flows nei bacini montani del Friuli. L'Acqua, Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, Sezione I/Memorie: 39-50Graphic
ItalyNorth Eastern AlpsIMAPDDIMAP = 0.026×D-0.5070.1 < D < 24n.a.Paronuzzi P, Coccolo A, Garlatti G (1998) Eventi meteorici critici e debris flows nei bacini montani del Friuli. L'Acqua, Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, Sezione I/Memorie: 39-50Graphic
ItalyOrco Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.6832×D-0.55331 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
ItalyOssola Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 0.6222×D-0.22821 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
ItalyPerilleux Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 11.00×D-0.44591 < D < 24A(60d)> 9% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
ItalyPerilleux Basin, PiedmontIDDI = 10.67×D-0.50431 < D < 24A(60d) < 9% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
ItalyPeri-Vesuvian area, CampaniaIDDI = 176.40×D-0.900.1 < D < 1000Volcanic soilsGuadagno FM (1991) Debris flows in the Campanian volcaniclastic soil (Southern Italy). In: Proceedings International Conference on slope stability. Isle of Wight: Thomas Telford, 125-130Graphic
ItalyPiedmontCMAPDShCMAP = -10.465 + 8.35×lnD5 < D < 30n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.22 < EMAP < 0.31n.a.up to 30 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.28 < EMAP < 0.38n.a.up to 60 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPA0.10 < EMAP < 0.25n.a.3 to 15 landslides per km2Govi M, Sorzana PF (1980) Landslide susceptibility as function of critical rainfall amount in Piedmont basin (North-Western Italy). Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 14: 43-60Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.13×I-0.121.5 ≤ I ≤ 8For winter and springGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.30×I-0.393.5 ≤ I ≤ 20For summer and autumnGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
ItalyPiedmontEMAPIS, D, M0.72×I-0.6820 ≤ I ≤ 50For summerGovi M, Mortara G, Sorzana P (1985) Eventi idrologici e frane. Geologia Applicata & Ingegneria 20(2): 359–375Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIDShI = 19×D-0.504 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247–265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIDAI = 44.668×D-0.78×N1 < D < 1000n.a.Barbero S, Rabuffetti D, Zaccagnino M (2004) Una metodologia per la definizione delle soglie pluviometriche a supporto dell'emissione dell'allertamento. In: Proceedings of 29th Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. Trento, 7-10 settembre 2004, 211-217Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.51 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60Low magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.70 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60High magnitudeAleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPCMAPShIMAP = 0.54 - 0.09 × ln CMAP7 < CMAP < 60General thresholdAleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15–25Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 0.76×D-0.332 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyPiedmontIMAPDShIfMAP = 4.62×D-0.792 < D < 150n.a.Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures. Engineering Geology 73: 247-265Graphic
ItalyRho Basin, Susa Valley, PiedmontIDDI = 9.521×D-0.49551 < D < 24A(60d) > 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
ItalyRho Basin, Susa Valley, PiedmontIDDI=11.698×D-0.47831 < D < 24A(60d) < 14% of MAPBolley S, Oliaro P (1999) Analisi dei debris flows in alcuni bacini campione dell'Alta Val Susa. Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Marzo: 69-74Graphic
ItalySarno, CampaniaRAR > 55 mmn.a.For saturated pyroclastic soils, lower thresholdBiafiore M, Braca G, De Blasio A, Martone M, Onorati G, Tranfaglia G (2002) Il monitoraggio ambientale dei territori campani a rischio di frane e di alluvioni: lo sviluppo della rete idropluviometrica del Servizio Idrografico e Mareografico Nazionale. Unpublished report.Graphic
ItalySarno, CampaniaRAR > 75 mmn.a.For saturated pyroclastic soils, upper thresholdBiafiore M, Braca G, De Blasio A, Martone M, Onorati G, Tranfaglia G (2002) Il monitoraggio ambientale dei territori campani a rischio di frane e di alluvioni: lo sviluppo della rete idropluviometrica del Servizio Idrografico e Mareografico Nazionale. Unpublished report.Graphic
ItalySesia Valley, PiedmontIMAPDShIMAP = 1.1122×D-0.24761 < D < 200n.a.Aleotti P, Baldelli P, Bellardone G, Quaranta N, Tresso F, Troisi C, Zani A (2002) Soil slips triggered by October 13-16, 2000 flooding event in the Piedmont Region (North West Italy): critical analysis of rainfall data. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale 1: 15-25Graphic
ItalyValtellina, LombardyIDSI = 44.668×D-0.781 < D < 1000n.a.Cancelli A, Nova R (1985) Landslides in soil debris cover triggered by rainstorms in Valtellina (central Alps - Italy). In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference and Field Workshop on Landslides. Tokyo: The Japan Geological Society, 267–272Graphic
ItalyValzangona, MarcheIDAI = 18.83×D-0.5924 < D < 3360n.a.Floris M, Mari M, Romeo RW, Gori U (2004) Modelling of landslide-triggering factors - A case study in the Northern Apennines, Italy. In: Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 104: Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Planning in Europe (Hack R, Azzam R, Charlier R, eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 745-753Graphic

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