Monday 31 March 2025

Landslide typeLandslide codeDescription
Soil slipSSoil slip, soil slide

Thresholds sorted by Continent

ContinentNationZoneThreshold typeLandslide codeEquationRangeNotesReferenceImage
AsiaHong Kongn.a.A(d), RSA(15d) > 350 mm and R > 100 mmn.a.Very severe eventsLumb P (1975) Slope failure in Hong Kong. Q J Eng Geol 8:31-65Graphic
AsiaHong Kongn.a.A(d), RSA(15d) > 50 mm and R > 50 mmn.a.Minor eventsLumb P (1975) Slope failure in Hong Kong. Q J Eng Geol 8:31-65Graphic
AsiaHong Kongn.a.A(d), RSA(15d) > 200 mm and R > 100 mmn.a.Severe eventsLumb P (1975) Slope failure in Hong Kong. Q J Eng Geol 8:31-65Graphic
EuropeAustriaCarinthia and East TyrolIDSI = 41.66×D-0.771 < D < 1000n.a.Moser M, Hohensinn F (1983) Geotechnical aspects of soil slips in Alpine regions. Engineering Geology 19: 185–211Graphic
EuropeItalyValtellina, LombardyIDSI = 44.668×D-0.781 < D < 1000n.a.Cancelli A, Nova R (1985) Landslides in soil debris cover triggered by rainstorms in Valtellina (central Alps - Italy). In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference and Field Workshop on Landslides. Tokyo: The Japan Geological Society, 267–272Graphic
North AmericaUSASeattle AreaIDSI = 82.73×D-1.1320 < D < 55n.a.Baum RL, Godt JW, Harp EL, McKenna JP (2005) Early warning of landslides for rail traffic between Seattle and Everett, Washington. In: Landslide Risk Management, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Landslide Risk Management (Hungr O, Fell R, Couture R, Ebdrhardt E, eds). New York: A.A. Balkema, 731-740Graphic
Worldwiden.a.n.a.IDSI = 10×D-0.770.1 < D < 1000n.a.Clarizia M, Gullà G, Sorbino G (1996) Sui meccanismi di innesco dei soil slip. International Conference "Prevention of hydrogeological hazards: the role of scientific research" 1: 585-597Graphic

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